Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I'm kind of a bad wife

Because this post is 2 days late :(

Sunday was my dear hubby's birthday!! He turned 26 years old :)

I feel bad, because his birthday was pretty low-key. (who am I kidding - it was nearly non-existent!) We went to my parents' house last week to celebrate, but that's about it - I didn't have a party for him, and I didn't even bake him a cake :( I had to work on Sunday, so he was by himself with our silly little puppy (who gets exhausting in 12 hours.) For his birthday dinner, we went to Zaxby's with our best friends. (I have a ban on fast food at our house, so that was kind of huge for me - but, he loves it, and it's pretty cheap, and since we're on a strict budget that includes no eating out, that was the best option.)

I feel like kind of a crappy wife. I'm SUCH a birthday person too - this fall in general has just been a little hard and a little tedious, what with our budget and trying to pay off debt and then lots of dental work and all... But, we did just get a puppy, which I'm calling his birthday present, and he got an iPhone4 with birthday money from family. So all was not lost.

I also have a request - Mark's grandmother, Nanny, who is basically the matriarch and caretaker of most of his family, is having a biopsy done today, and needs your prayers. We're praying for a clean, good diagnosis, and I ask that you will as well.

And while we're on the subject of praying - Mark is leaving today to go to an archival conference up at Princeton University. He's headed to stay with his parents, and they'll drive him to the airport. He'll fly out tomorrow, and fly back on Saturday. I will miss him so, but it's a great opportunity for him to learn more about the academic side of archivists, and it'll look great on his resume. But I want him safely returned to me on Saturday, so pray for that too.

Lots of praying in general going on - things are still rough at work with everybody. One of our co-workers' grandmother died on Sunday, and several other people are struggling with some really, really tough issues. We're all struggling with money, some even more than others. It's a hard time, but God is good and faithful and is clearly trying to teach us something. (Trusting in Him, perhaps?) I'm trying to do that.

Love to everybody :) Hope you all have a lovely Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to Mark! Oh and I wouldn't feel too bad. In my experience guys don't really need a huge showing of fire works for their birthday, they just want to feel loved, acknowledged and appreciated. If you did all that then you should be good. You are in my prayers :)
