Saturday, December 11, 2010

Our Thanksgiving Festivities, Part 1 (also known as Pre-Thanksgiving)

Finally, I'm updating about Thanksgiving! (Only about 3 weeks late ... sorry...)

An aside - check Luna out right now. She is SO cuddly :)

Ahem. Anyway. Thanksgiving. It was  a really fun week filled with loads of yummy food and good family time. We started the week at my parents' house, on Monday. We did quite a bit of nothing that day - Kelly came that afternoon, Colton came that night, and then Tuesday started our fun times :)

We always decorate the tree when all of us are home for Thanksgiving, and this year was no exception. Colton was very vocal about how it's THANKSGIVING and not CHRISTMAS, but we Shannon women typically get what we want :)

Kelly trims herself :)

Everybody joins in to help - even the Scrooges :)

Daddy and Colton 

I love this guy. He's pretty great :)

My pretty Mommy, in the Christmas spirit

This was Mark's contribution to the Christmas tree: a corn cob from the Thanksgiving table decorations :)

They are way too cute.

Love my sister!

Mark then decided it would be fun to hang ornaments from my belt.

Pretty Christmas tree!

That evening, Kelly and I had our annual Thanksgiving funny photo-op. We convinced Colton to play along for a couple of pictures. This one is "pretend like you're sick," inspired by Colton, who had a cold.

I think in this one, we were supposed to be Voldemort casting the Avada Kedavra spell, and the look of rage that would typically accompany it

Hm. Not quite sure what this one was. Make your lips really big? Or something?

Blowfish face! (This one's really hard to do without laughing.)

The token "pretty picture" of the bunch.

I don't remember what this one was, but I'm loving Kelly's face :)

Okay, this one has a backstory. We're trying to replicate the pig-face, which is fairly irreplicatable. (I don't think that's a word.) It was this fantastic face that Kelly made back 3 or 4 years ago, the first time we made these pictures. Here is our attempt at re-creating, and below is the original pig-face picture. It is not possible for me to look at that picture and not laugh. 

Moving on - I think this one was "act like you're in labor." I love Kelly's face - she looks mournful :)

Attempting to look like Dolores Umbridge. (Did I mention we'd gone to see HP7 that day? Ohmigosh, what an amazing movie!)

And because of the excess of pictures, Thanksgiving is going to be continued in the next scheduled post, tomorrow....

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