Yay for cheap shoes from Target!!
Unfortunately, I have a gripe with Target. I know, it's blasphemy to say that, but I went today in search of a cute dress to wear tomorrow night on my early V-Day with Mark. Target had NOTHING that I could wear. Everything was too big. They either need to make their clothes more true to size, or they need to make the smallest size they carry a zero instead of a two.
That's the thing about being skinny - and I know I have the potential to catch a lot of hate for saying this - but it's sometimes really hard to find clothes when you're skinny. At least - affordable ones. Oh, the $200 dresses look GREAT on me ... but $200 doesn't fit in my budget. So my options are either cheap and skanky (Forever 21, etc.) or too expensive and classy-looking. There's no in-between, apparently.
Oh well...
At least I got some rockin' shoes out of the deal. And at $12.99 a pair - I think that's pretty worth it :)
Off to dinner! Yum yum!
love the shoes... Hope you find something cute to wear for VDAY!